Aloha kakou from Makaliʻi
Reporting: Bonnie Kahapeʻa-Tanner on this Laʻau ku lua a Kaʻaona
We weighed anchors last evening after wrapping up our three days pili to the moku, with knowledgable conversation and in the company of Aunty Pua and our EKF and PKM8 ʻohana, onboard the Searcher. All who were part agreed that our participation on island blessed us with understanding, gifted us what we were meant to receive, and knew the time had come for us to make for home. Before Kānehoālani made his descent below the horizon, we hauled the last of the physical lines that connected us to the Mokupapapa, turned our bow into the wind, and make headway for Nihoa, Niihau and Kauaʻi.
As the ʻohana makes way for Nihoa and Kauaʻi, they stand their 6-10, 10-2, and 2-6 watches; trimming and steering the canoe as they follow Alakaʻi. Here at home, we remain on watch as well. We remain in pule for health, safety, peace of mind; we remain in pule and ask that the tiredness will dissipate as the work continue; we remain in pule that the winds of Nihoa are gentle and invite our ʻohua back into their gentle space; we remain in pule for life force and joy; we remain in pule for the focus to be them and for the focus to be us, for them and for our families.
The timing of their arrival is dependent upon the direction of the wind, the towing capacity and sailing capabilities, and the crew and vessel, and time. I anticipate arrival into Kauaʻi any time within the three day weekend. In the mean time, we remain in the love and light, keep it steady and stay in the flow of Kanaloa. OLA!
About The FOOD:
Kahaz morning reports: "We are eating GREAT! We feel amazing and healthy. This morning our chefs cooked up freeze dried egg omelet w/ Bertelmann smoke sausage and Kona Paʻi ʻAi. We started this voyage eating the Hakipuʻu poi and finished that up 4 days ago. We now eating the Kona Paʻi ʻAi, fully grateful and so blessed. This is super exciting! Thank you to the schools, the volunteers, the families and the community for making this happen for us. We all are piha ka opu in such a good way!"
Chaddies evening dinner report: The food is amazing Mai, everybody is so happy. Tonight we ate Kanu Vegetable soup, paʻi ʻai and the condiments wide from Gooch ma and Sheldon ma, winnah! One thing we know from this trip is that, we cannot go back. We ate poi and paʻi ʻai with every meal, every single meal. So now we asking our selves, how do we keep this going? Thank you to everyone at home for helping us to transform back into our selves.
Eo Makaliʻi!"
Photo Credit: Hanauna Ola Project
Photo Credit: Hanauna Ola Project
As we anticipate their arrival, continue to follow us at:
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The source is stable
I paʻa ka maka
The numerous consciousness of Kanaloa
I ka maka walu a Kanaloa,
It lives! OLA!
Me kealoha nui,
Pomaikalani Bertelmann